
We are going camping in Maine over the weekend. We seem to have the worst luck with camping. Almost every time we go, it rains. It seems this would be no exception. I should probably buy some rain gear before going.

I bought a nice small backpacking stove recently. It is a Primus Yellowstone Lite. The fuel for the stove is a propane/butane mixture. I am planning on taking it to Maine. So I called the airline to find out if they are allowed on the plane. It turns out that I can take a brand new stove (which mine is) in my checked luggage but not a used one because of the gas that might be left in the stove. I am not sure there can be much gas in the stove itself since it consists of only a burner. I did ask him about cleaning it, but I guess the current rule is much easier and simpler. That means I’ll drop off my stove at home in New Jersey on the way back (yes, I am flying to Jersey and then driving from there). Next time, I have to remember to mail the stove ahead of time. Canisters, on the other hand, need to be bought locally.

Categorized as Travel

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer


  1. What stove do you normally use? I use the other kind of stove (what do you call it? — bottle + burner)?.

    I normally take a few canoe-camping trips in the summer. But west-nile paranoia (very big right now) may get the better of me. Perhaps backpacking in the New Hampshire mountains would be better. No bugs.

    Where are you going in Maine? Any west nile concerns? What’s the bug situation?

  2. Ikram: Do you mean a liquid fuel stove? Do you use white gas? Mine is a canister stove. It’s actually a backpacking model, so it’s extremely light and small.

    I usually go to a paddling + camping trip in the summer as well. Last year, we canoed on a flat river in northern Florida in May. It actually got very cold due to rain and we had no warm clothes. The whitewater photo is from another trip last year. Am planning on going kayaking in June (in a lake, not the whitewater kind). Probably won’t be much bugs here since the weather gets too hot.

    We are going to the Acadia national park. No west nile cases there. Bugs are also not a problem there AFAIK.

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