
Found while net surfing:

  • HijabMan Blog: A very interesting weblog of a progressive Muslim in Canada. Here is his post about the issue of women and mosques.
  • Via Half Past Nomad, I found Plug-n-Pray. They have kits for Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim and Hinduist conversion. Here’s what they say.

    For all eventualities — Plug’n’Pray kits are equipped with everything you need to get converted quickly. […]Do you want to impress your Jewish general manager? Has a new Taleban Invasion been announced? Do you think your life as a good Christian is jeopardized? Would you like to become a Buddhist for a few hours to blend in at the trendy New Age dinner you are going to next week? […]Getting a new customized god is easy with Plug’n’Pray.

    It definitely seems like a joke.

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer