Being a political junkie means I follow polls and electoral projections. Add to it the nerd factor and I love to see all sorts of prediction algorithms used to figure out the electoral votes for Obama and McCain.
The best such site is which is very comprehensive and now with their flash applications very customizable too. You can even embed their poll trend graphs on your own website. They use LOESS local regression to calculate the current vote share for the candidates.
In 2004, I discovered which is run by Andrew Tanenbaum who I knew because of his Computer Science textbooks.
I like the Princeton Election Consortium site because not only do they provide details of their methods but also their code.
FiveThirtyEight weights pollsters by reliability and also takes into account the demographics of each state for their projection.
RealClear Politics averages recent polls to arrive at their electoral map.
Andrea Moro uses statistical simulations to assign the winner for each state.
Finally, 3BlueDudes has a huge list of election projection websites.