Harappa Ancestry Project

I have become interested (some would say obsessed) with genetics recently. I wrote about getting my DNA test done and there’s a lot more about my own results that I plan to bore you with. One fun application of genetic testing is inferring ancestry: Which ancestral group are you descended from? Can we estimate the… Continue reading Harappa Ancestry Project

Midnight’s Children

Midnight’s Children is an enjoyable, though not great, book.

سقوطِ ڈھاکہ

آج 16 دسمبر ہے۔ آج سے 36 سال پہلے پاکستانی فوج نے مشرقی پاکستان میں ہتھیار ڈالے اور بنگلہ‌دیش دنیا میں نمودار ہوا۔ چلیں اس تاریخ کو کچھ کھنگالیں کہ شاید ہم کچھ سیکھ سکیں۔