No Blogging over the weekend

I am tired and going home for the long weekend.

Categorized as Life

Special Registration Advice

From the Pakistan embassy website: What if my last entry to the United States was not legal (without inspection and admission), do I have to register? This category applies to those Pakistanis whose entry to the US was not on a valid visa and they crossed the border. No. The current Registration requirements apply only… Continue reading Special Registration Advice

Ayaz Amir on Bin Ladenism

Here are excerpts I like from Ayaz Amir’s op-ed in Dawn, the largest English language Pakistani newspaper: We like to think – or rather we comfort ourselves with the thought – that the West, especially the United States, is caught in a frenzy of Muslim-bashing. We try not to realize that our own condition, a… Continue reading Ayaz Amir on Bin Ladenism

Transfer of Palestinians

Diane of Letter from Gotham is back. First, she posted a limerick about Saddam Hussain on her substitute blog and now she has a pretty good debunking of the transfer option for Palestinians: [Transfer] is a fantasy because even if it could be done (which it can’t, but let it pass) moving three million Arabs… Continue reading Transfer of Palestinians

Condemnation of Terrorism: Day 1

Since I am neither eloquent nor in the right mind at this time, I am going to steal from Al-Muhajabah’s collection of links of Muslims condemning terrorist attacks. I am going to start off with Al-Muhajabah’s own condemnation of the september 11 terrorist attacks: …That whoever kills a single soul for other than a soul… Continue reading Condemnation of Terrorism: Day 1

Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists

It all started with this statement in the comments of Daily Kos: Moslem fundamentalists and Christian fundamentalists are not very different. Tacitus picked it up and a long discussion started in his comments. Based on this statement, Aziz divided Muslims and Christians into three groups: fundamentalist, violent and normal. However, I do want to point… Continue reading Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists

INS Special Registration Procedures

A lot of people don’t have any idea of what special registration entails and how it is inconvenient to frequent travellers. Non-immigrants from mostly Muslim countries have to go through special registration at the airport as well as at INS offices. For the call-in special registration currently happening for Pakistanis and Saudis, here is what… Continue reading INS Special Registration Procedures

Better than Hitler, Stalin and Castro

Add any other of your favorite dictators, thugs or murderers. Is this a good slogan for a country that is proud of its democratic tradition? Unqualified Offerings has a new tongue-in-cheek (I think) version of the pledge of allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic… Continue reading Better than Hitler, Stalin and Castro

The Reach of the Internet

Even though the large majority of my readers are from North America, I was surprised to find such a large number of countries represented among my readers: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, New Zealand, South Africa, Belgium, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Costa Rica, Estonia, Singapore, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, Sweden,… Continue reading The Reach of the Internet

Categorized as Internet

Online Newspapers

Newseum is a very cool site containing the front page of newspapers from around the world in the form they are published on paper. (Found via CalPundit.)

Categorized as Internet