Pro-Torture Senators or the Nazgul?

Nine senators voted against stopping torture. All are Reublicans, of course.

Categorized as Politics

Reaction to Criticism

The Bush administration responds to Amnesty International’s cataloging of abuses in Gitmo and beyond by tarnishing Amnesty’s name. The Musharraf regime saves Pakistan’s reputation by not allowing Mukhtaran Bibi, a gang rape victim, to go abroad.

Belated Memorial Day Thoughts

Some thoughts on what Memorial Day means and whether we can differentiate between commemorating the sacrifice of soldiers and supporting wrong or unjust wars.

Categorized as Politics

Litmus Test for Telecom Meetings

The Bush administration has litmus tests for everything. If you don’t support them, then you don’t count. The latest is the news that Kerry supporters were nixed from a telecom standards meeting.

Paging Captain Arrrgh

Senator Santorum is acting as a shill of “Big Weather” as he tries to ban the National Weather Service from providing weather forecast services to the public.

Categorized as Politics

Civil Liberties, Republicans and TV News

There is an interesting public opinion survey out from Cornell. In a study to determine how much the public fears terrorism, almost half of respondents polled nationally said they believe the U.S. government should — in some way — curtail civil liberties for Muslim Americans, according to a new survey released today (Dec. 17) by… Continue reading Civil Liberties, Republicans and TV News

Exit Polls and Moral Values

There has been lot of talk about “moral values” being the most important issue in the Presidential election this year. Here are the results of the exit poll question in order of decreasing Bush margin…

Categorized as Politics

Biting My Fingernails

It is election day. I am sitting on the floor with the computer in my lap and watching a borrowed TV. I have to continually switch internet connections between leeching off a neighborhood wireless connection and when that’s not available, a free 10 hours on Juno dialup. Let us start with a typical Pakistani election… Continue reading Biting My Fingernails

Presidential Election Polls

I am a kind of data junkie. I follow lots of polls and watch (or follow on the net) election night coverage for quite a few countries. I used to stay up all night to watch election results trickle in during the elections in Pakistan in 1988, 1990, 1993 and 1997. I watched all the… Continue reading Presidential Election Polls

Categorized as Politics

A Survey About Muslim Americans

Zogby has done a survey of American Muslims for Project MAPS. Here are some poll results I found interesting: 82% of American Muslims are registered to vote this year. The top reason for not registering is not being a citizen (59%). Some vocal, conservative Muslims have the view that voting in a Western country is… Continue reading A Survey About Muslim Americans