
It’s been 13 years. Thirteen is almost twice as long as seven. Seven reminds me of The Seven Year Itch. Yes, the seven year itch is real, it exists, it happens. No, I am not going to tell you all the juicy details!

Thirteen also reminds me of The Thirteenth Floor. Are we really a simulation within a simulation?

By now you must be wondering what the fuss is all about? Wonder no more! On December 1, 1994, in Wah Cantt, Pakistan, Amber and I tied the knot.

I asked Amber yesterday that given the chance would she do it all over again? And she said yes. I also asked her if she wanted to spend 4*13=52 more years with me and she does! I guess we can call this marriage a success.

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer


  1. congrats 😀
    I hope she does’nt reconsider her decesion, by the way what made you curious wether your marriage is a success or not 😛 aham aham

  2. Congratulations to both of you. May you spend ten times that togather happily. Amen.
    And don’t forget the most happy over three years ! ! !

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