Dell and Blogging

Dell came through, thanks to my blogging, and replaced my laptop with a brand new Inspiron 1501.

Ocean’s Thirteen

This is the third movie in the series. While better than the second, it is predictable and hence not as much fun as the first, Ocean’s Eleven. I rate it 5/10.

The Third Chimpanzee

This is a good, though somewhat dated, book about the rise of Homo Sapiens. While eminently readable and full of interesting information, I found the focus on nuclear or environmental holocaust to be a hindrance.

Avoid Dell Hell

My Dell laptop is again giving me trouble. It looks like Dell gave me a defective motherboard last month.

Blog Rating

So how much bad language do I use on my weblog? Is my blog safe for kids?

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Independence Day

Today is July 4, the 231st anniversary of the adoption of the American Declaration of Independence.

5 Years of Blogging

It has been five years since I started blogging. Over time, my blogging has become more sporadic, but I plan to continue. So today here are some statistics about my weblog.

Das Boot

This is a very good and realistic portrayal of a German U-boat in World War II. While I loved the movie, the Director’s Cut was a bit long for me. I rate it 8/10.

At Canaan’s Edge : America in the King Years, 1965-68

This is the last book on the trilogy about Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement by Taylor Branch. The whole trilogy is a must-read.